const compress/flate.minMatchLength

21 uses

	compress/flate (current package)
		deflate.go#L44: 	minMatchLength  = 4       // The smallest match length that the compressor actually emits
		deflate.go#L124: 	if d.index >= 2*windowSize-(minMatchLength+maxMatchLength) {
		deflate.go#L197: 	loops := (n + 256 - minMatchLength) / 256
		deflate.go#L200: 		end := index + 256 + minMatchLength - 1
		deflate.go#L205: 		dstSize := len(toCheck) - minMatchLength + 1
		deflate.go#L259: 			if n > length && (n > minMatchLength || pos-i <= 4096) {
		deflate.go#L302: 	if len(b) < minMatchLength {
		deflate.go#L307: 	end := len(b) - minMatchLength + 1
		deflate.go#L372: 	d.length = minMatchLength - 1
		deflate.go#L381: 	if d.windowEnd-d.index < minMatchLength+maxMatchLength && !d.sync {
		deflate.go#L385: 	d.maxInsertIndex = d.windowEnd - (minMatchLength - 1)
		deflate.go#L393: 		if lookahead < minMatchLength+maxMatchLength {
		deflate.go#L418: 			hash := hash4(d.window[d.index : d.index+minMatchLength])
		deflate.go#L426: 		d.length = minMatchLength - 1
		deflate.go#L434: 			(d.fastSkipHashing != skipNever && lookahead > minMatchLength-1 ||
		deflate.go#L436: 			if newLength, newOffset, ok := d.findMatch(d.index, d.chainHead-d.hashOffset, minMatchLength-1, lookahead); ok {
		deflate.go#L441: 		if d.fastSkipHashing != skipNever && d.length >= minMatchLength ||
		deflate.go#L442: 			d.fastSkipHashing == skipNever && prevLength >= minMatchLength && d.length <= prevLength {
		deflate.go#L464: 						hash := hash4(d.window[index : index+minMatchLength])
		deflate.go#L477: 					d.length = minMatchLength - 1
		deflate.go#L624: 		d.length = minMatchLength - 1